sonography course

Reviews from participantsultrasound simulator course


Tuesday, 18.02.2025

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course location  /  Directions

Schallware Campus
Wiltbergstrasse 50 Haus 20a
13125 Berlin

Getting there

Time table

8:30-16 Uhr

Other Courses


Workshop Introduction Intestinal Ultrasound and IBD (EN)

Dr. med. Claudia Lucius (DEGUM 2), Poliklinik Helios Berlin-Buch, gastroenterologist
PD Dr. med Jochen Herrmann UKE Hamburg, radiologist, pediatrician, head of department
Dr. med. Rob De Knegt (EPA5, IBUS, ),Erasmus MC University Medical Center, gastroenterologist, Rotterdam NL
PD Dr. med. Karim Hamesch (DEGUM 2), Uniklinikum Aachen, gastroenterologist


NVMDL 18.2.25 Introduction Intestinal Ultrasound and IBD

08:30-08:45Welcome, getting to know participants, instructors and program
08:45-09:05Introduction into simulation technique
09:05-09:45Basics with lecture and hands-on (examination procedure, sonoanatomy and measurement of intestinal wall)
09:45-10:15Live-demonstration of examination procedures on living model
10:15-10:30Coffee break
10:30-12:15Main pathologies (hands-on): diverticulitis, appendicitis, bowel obstruction
12:15-13:00Lunch break
13:00-14:30IBD Introduction, Assessment of inflammatory activity, differences UC versus CD, pediatric aspects, standardized reporting (lecture and hands-on)
14:30-14:45Coffee break
14:45-15:45IBD complications (hands-on).
15:45-16:00Summary and Evaluation

Collection of available clinical data for hands-on training course with Schallware simulator, manikin and dummy probe

Red bars show acquired areas of patient. Red arrows equate to intercostal fan volumes.
Cases were acquired for example with convex, linear probe, in color doppler modus and maybe at several dates. You can open details and browse image list of regions of interest (ROIs), which are supported by simulator as you can be led automatically to these structures (bubble in space).

Patient 126Acute appendicitisconvex, linearDetails
Patient 22Ulcerative colitis treatment, anti-TNF-αconvex, linear, colorDetails
Patient 23Morbus Crohn, ileitis, segmental colitis, lymphadenitisconvex, linearDetails
Patient 21M.Crohn, Distal sigmoiditis, Ascites, Lymph node enlargement, Sigmoidal hyperemiaconvex, linear, colorDetails
Patient 14M.Crohn, Liver cysts, Adenomyomatosis, Cholecystolithiasis, Nephrolithiasis, Stenosis of ileocecal anastomosisconvex, linearDetails
Patient 11Terminal ileitis Crohn, enterocutaneous fistula, psoas abscessconvex, linear, colorDetails
Patient 10Crohn's disease (sigmoid), Sigmoid stenosis, involvement of cecum-colon-ileumconvex, linear, colorDetails
Patient 9Colon carcinoma at right flexure, Paracolic abscess and malignant infiltrationconvexDetails
Patient 8Infiltrated appendixconvex, linear, colorDetails
Patient 6Crohn's disease relapse, Stenosis in neoterminal ileum with large fistulaconvex, colorDetails
Patient 5Liver cysts, Crohn's disease, Stenosis of ileocecal anastomosisconvex, linear, colorDetails
Patient 4Terminal ileum with stenosises and interloop abscessesconvexDetails
Patient 1Normal terminal ileum and appendixlinearDetails

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