sonography course

Reviews from participantsBasisausbildung Notfallsonographie mit praktischen Übungen am Simulator


Friday, 16.06.2017 bis
Saturday, 17.06.2017

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Adina Apartment Hotel Berlin Hauptbahnhof
Platz vor dem Neuen Tor 6
10115 Berlin

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Frau Beck

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Praktische Übungen am Simulator

Collection of available clinical data for hands-on training course with Schallware simulator, manikin and dummy probe

Red bars show acquired areas of patient. Red arrows equate to intercostal fan volumes.
Cases were acquired for example with convex, linear probe, in color doppler modus and maybe at several dates. You can open details and browse image list of regions of interest (ROIs), which are supported by simulator as you can be led automatically to these structures (bubble in space).

Patient 41Acute splenic rupture and necrotizing pancreatitis (tail), intraperitoneal bleedingconvexDetails
Patient 53Caval thrombus, renal cell carcinoma RCC (left), liver metastasesconvexDetails
Patient 77Mechanical small bowel ileusconvexDetails
Patient 91Severe steatohepatitis, Asc.-Decompensation, HCCconvexDetails
Patient 92Acute cholecystitis with lithiasis, detritus, fatty liverconvexDetails
Patient 97Pancreatic pseudocyst, cholecystolithiasis, hydronephrosis, right ureteral occlusion, parapelvic cystsconvexDetails
Patient 98Marfan syndrome, HTX, aortic aneurysm, aortic dissectionconvex, colorDetails
Patient 100DLT, NHL Liver, infiltrated intestine, bilateral pleural effusion, gallbladder wall edema (hypalbuminemia)convexDetails
Patient 115Right pleural effusionconvexDetails
Patient 116Left pleural effusionconvexDetails
Patient 118Liver cysts, M.Crohn, Adenomyomatosis, cholecystolith., nephrolith., stenosis of ileoc. anastomosisconvex, linearDetails
Patient 124Hepatic hemangioma, cholecystolithiasis, dilated CBD, ureteral stenosisconvexDetails
Patient 125Free fluid, renal cysts, arteriosclerosisconvexDetails
Patient 126Acute appendicitisconvex, linearDetails
Patient 131Infrarenal aortic aneurysmconvex, colorDetails
Patient 151Hepatic Echinococcus alveolaris, dilated hepatici, purulent peritonitisconvexDetails
Patient 157Thrombosis of V.cava, Aneurysmconvex, linear, colorDetails

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